Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some Assembly Required

Here is the current status of my striped shirt project.

The lining is gray jersey that I had already. I bought the zipper today at Windmill Fabrics in Chinatown. I love that place. They have great prices and a very large cat that sleeps on the piles of upholstery fabric.

I also bought these two zippers because they're good to have around (you know, like when you're blazing ahead on a spur-of-the-moment craft project and then you realize that you don't have a proper zipper to use, which means you have put it down until you can pick one up at the store. That's just a situation everyone hates to be in. Am I right?).
The top one is pink, but I especially love the bottom one which is navy with a gold zipper. I would love to do a little something in navy blue with gold accents on it. I have some gold buttons with anchors on them which would be pretty great on a little clutch. I hope the nautical trend doesn't go away anytime soon because I still go crazy for anything with stripes or anchors.

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