Monday, July 28, 2008

Ginger Chicken Salad

It's summer time and cooking a chicken in the oven does not sound appealing. Luckily the Shaw's Market we go to has whole rotisserie chickens that cost about the same as the uncooked ones. Considering how many meals we get out of them it's a real deal.

One (or two or three*) of those meals is chicken salad. There's an infinite number of ways to make chicken salad. Here's one I've been making lately:

Ginger Chicken Salad

2 cups cooked chicken in small pieces, not packed (I like to pull it off the cooked chicken by hand)
Half cup chopped celery
Quarter cup chopped onion
Half teaspoon powered ginger
Two heaping tablespoons Hellmann's Mayonnaise (More or less to taste. Start with less and add more after it’s mixed.)
Chili Powder, Salt and Pepper to taste (The red chili powder looks pretty when sprinkled on top before serving.)

Mix together and serve or chill. It’s also great the next day or to bring to "Shakespeare on the Common." It's good for a picnic because the mayo actually preserves the chicken.

*Surpassed only by pulling the meat directly off of the chicken and eating will standing in the kitchen while saying, "ticken ticken ticken." Everybody does that, right?

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