Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fashion-Blazers Blazing

It's fall! That means layering, scarves of the non-superfluous variety, and BLAZERS! I have to admit that one trend that I did not like was the years of the shrunken blazer. But finally normal--people size--blazers are back. Now is the perfect time to wear one instead of a jacket, with a scarf wrapped around your neck. Classic American style.

One of my favorite sites is Frugal-Fashionista. They take celeb outfits and break them down into affordable options. It's brilliant. The last few have had blazers featured, naturally. Like Sienna here:

Picture from: Frugal-Fashionista

Seriously, the blazer is going to be huge this season. Could I write blazer any more times? Blazer. There.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hello T-Shirt

I saw a girl wearing this t-shirt yesterday at the Barnes & Noble in Kenmore Square and haven't stopped thinking about it.

I love how the two brands are so recognizable, yet simple. It's the kind of shirt your friends will love but your boyfriend might be like, "I don't get it." And that's OK. You can buy it here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Can't wait to try....

Bleacher Bar!

On Labor Day Eric and I went for a walk past Fenway Park and got to peak inside the new bar. It's managed by the same people as Game On so the food should be decent. The greatest part though is the great big garage door that opens right into center field! Seriously, you could help out Coco by tucking his shirt tag back in, it's that close.

You know that feeling, when you're in Fenway walking around the concourse and it's all gray and crowded, then you walk up the stairs and through the doorway to get to your seats and you see the field glowing in front of you and you get chills? Yeah, it's like that. But no cover charge.

Hopefully, soon we'll actually go there for some food and drinks. I'll be sure to give a full report. In the mean time, check out their website.